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The hard rubber V16 baritone sax mouthpiece has proven wildly popular with jazz, funk and contemporary saxophonists, offering a rich and robust tone with plenty of projection and "bite" available.
With a fairly gentle baffle and medium long/long facing, as well as a large Berg Larsen-esque bullet chamber design, these mouthpieces are ideally suited to styles of music where "oomph" is required!
Fans of Pepper Adams, Doc Kupka and Gary Smulyan will appreciate the richness and projection on offer, as well as the tonal evenness and free-blowing nature of these mouthpieces.
If you've been playing something like a metal Otto Link or a metal Yanagisawa and you're looking to make your job a bit easier, without losing out on dynamic power and tonal richness, these mouthpieces are a must try.
Available in 3 tip openings:
The B7 is the most popular with advancing students and doublers, and the B9 is the most popular with professionals.
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