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Product Information
The K.GE advancing student oboe reed is a good oboe reed for the advancing player and represents good value.
Select the reed strength of your choice.
The Euro Cut oboe reeds are carefully selected oboe reeds designed for the beggining and advancing oboist.
*There are no difference between Professional and Standard reeds in terms of materials used. However, professional reeds are selected as some reeds have better intonation, articulation, tone and finishing etc¡. The reeds are not intentionally made this way. When K.GE make them, some of them simply turn out better than others.
The shapers that we are using is custom made according to my own measurements. Our oboe reeds are made from type “B” and “D” shaper: “Original”: shaped as dry, “Narrow”: shaped as been soaked in water. “B” shaper plays better intonation with large bore Oboe like Loree, Howarth, Rigoutat act. “D” shaper plays better intonation with smaller bore oboe like Marigaux; Josef; Ludwig Frank; AW act.
The only difference between the "German" and "French" templates is that there is a much more gradual step in the scrape from the "heart" of the reed down to the tip on the french template. When you look carefully at reeds made from each of the two templates and compare them, it will look as if the german template reed has a much more clearly defined tip area.
Both the "german" and "french" scrapes would work on all oboes.
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