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Our Most Popular Imported European Bass Rosin
Pirastro Kolophonium- Double Bass Rosin.
Pirastro's consistency is medium hard rosin used by orchestra pros.
It's color is dark brown.
Made in Germany by Pirazzi, the well-known string makers, Pirastro.
Season for use is All Weather in most climates.
Other names for this double bass rosin are Bass- Mittel, Pirastro arco kolophonium, Pirastro Contrabass Kolophonium, Pirastro orchestra bass rosin, Pirastro rosin for bass bowing, Pirastro's, kolophonium (in Germany), or colophonium (in France.)
Pirastro's packaging is a metal foil wrapped cylindrical cake stored in a cardboard tube shaped storage container.
Endorsed by orchestra professionals worldwide. Fresh bass rosin is a necessary Performance Accessory for Arco Bass Play
How to use Pirastro Rosin
A cake of Pirastro Rosin is pured into a foil wrapped cup. To open, peel about 1/4 inch of the foil down to expose the surface of rosin, then ...
Draw the bow across the surface of the cake with long downward strokes. The bow hair should be tensioned. Do not "scrub" the hair back and forth across the cake, which can damage bow hair. Draw the bow across the cake three or four times to apply the rosin.
Remember, new bow hair will absorb a surprisingly large amount of rosin. The first time application of rosin will take much more effort than subsequent applications. During extended periods of play, re-application of rosin may be necessary.
The purpose of bass bow rosin is to increase traction of bow hair on the string. The choice of how much rosin is needed to get a good grip is very much a players preference, but keep in mind that too much rosin will slow the bow stroke and dampen tone. Too little rosin will result in the bow 'sliding' too much to properly start (and control) the string's vibration.
Softer rosin goes on more quickly than harder rosin. Softer rosin builds up more quickly also, so take care not to over apply. Warmer weather and higher humidity make harder rosin easier to apply. Hard rosin does not produce as much dry rosin debris, nor does it gum up the bow hair as quickly as softer rosin.
Store rosin in a cool, dark place so it does not get runny and lose its shape. Use the container it comes in. Rosins packaged in cloth wraps must be kept cool, or they will run. Foil containers, cardboard or plastic tubs offer the most protection for retaining the rosin's form. Do not store rosin in a hot car, on a windowsill, or near other heat sources.
After play, allow rosin to dry in the bow hair, then tap the hair gently to shake the 'dust' out of the bow hair. Wipe the hair-side of the stick with a soft cloth to eliminate rosin build-up on the wood. Ditto, wipe the frog down after play. The oils and perspiration on hands can discolor the frog, wire wrapping, and especially pearl or shell trim.
FYI- Lemur's Cappuccino, Green Tea, and Pocket bow cases are lined in neutral colored ultra-suede cloth which has almost no fiber shedding. This factor keeps fibers from sticking to the rosined bow during storage.
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